"This is the psychedelic comic I've wished existed for years but never found. A system of one, a comic unlike all the others---Lukic's writing and drawing seem to owe little to any clear influences. And yet this is not an inchoate work of art but rather an imposing one that demands (many) reactions."
-Austin English
The story of Deb and Fran is the most pathetic and ungraceful love story I've ever seen. Between Deb, a disillusioned star whose abusive married boyfriend dumps her and leaves her even more uptight and confused than she already was, and Fran, so desperate for attention that he spends his days & nights going to bars and restaurants aggravating people, there is a chaotic and disenchanted match from the start. Just like so many pairings that we see every day. Guest appearance from Grisélidis Réal, the famous anarchist prostitute from Geneva.
Journal of Smack continues…